HDFS Permissions and Security

Starting with Hadoop 0.16.1, HDFS has included a rudimentary file permissions system. This permission system is based on the POSIX model, but does not provide strong security for HDFS files. The HDFS permissions system is designed to prevent accidental corruption of data or casual misuse of information within a group of users who share access to a cluster. It is not a strong security model that guarantees denial of access to unauthorized parties.

HDFS security is based on the POSIX model of users and groups. Each file or directory has 3 permissions (read, write and execute) associated with it at three different granularities: the file's owner, users in the same group as the owner, and all other users in the system. As the HDFS does not provide the full POSIX spectrum of activity, some combinations of bits will be meaningless. For example, no file can be executed; the +x bits cannot be set on files (only directories). Nor can an existing file be written to, although the +w bits may still be set.

Security permissions and ownership can be modified using the bin/hadoop dfs -chmod, -chown, and -chgrp operations described earlier in this document; they work in a similar fashion to the POSIX/Linux tools of the same name.

Determining identity - Identity is not authenticated formally with HDFS; it is taken from an extrinsic source. The Hadoop system is programmed to use the user's current login as their Hadoop username (i.e., the equivalent of whoami). The user's current working group list (i.e, the output of groups) is used as the group list in Hadoop. HDFS itself does not verify that this username is genuine to the actual operator.

Superuser status - The username which was used to start the Hadoop process (i.e., the username who actually ran bin/start-all.sh or bin/start-dfs.sh) is acknowledged to be the superuser for HDFS. If this user interacts with HDFS, he does so with a special username superuser. This user's operations on HDFS never fail, regardless of permission bits set on the particular files he manipulates. If Hadoop is shutdown and restarted under a different username, that username is then bound to the superuser account.

Supergroup - There is also a special group named supergroup, whose membership is controlled by the configuration parameter dfs.permissions.supergroup.

Disabling permissions - By default, permissions are enabled on HDFS. The permission system can be disabled by setting the configuration option dfs.permissions to false. The owner, group, and permissions bits associated with each file and directory will still be preserved, but the HDFS process does not enforce them, except when using permissions-related operations such as -chmod.

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